Personal research website
2002 - 2006: PhD in Marine Sciences, University of Vigo, Spain
2000 - 2002: MSc in Oceanography and Coastal Geology, University of Vigo, Spain
1995 - 2000: BSc in Marine Sciences, University of Vigo (Spain)
2015 - ----- : Assistant Researcher (IF-FCT), CIMA - University of Algarve, Portugal
2013 - 2014: Post-doctoral Research Associate, CIMA-University Algarve, Portugal
2009 - 2013: Research Assistant (Ciencia´07), Marine Geology Department, LNEG, Portugal
2008 MEC-Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, Earth Sciences Department, Boston University, USA
2007 MEC-Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow, International Hurricane Research Center, Florida International University, USA
2002-2006 PhD Fellow, University of Vigo, Spain
Member of the team: Does vegetation reduce the magnitude of dune erosion induced by storms? ESA – European Spatial Agency (Ref. 52334).
Member of the team: Conserving the Barrier Islands in Algarve to protect priority species and habitats (Ref. LIFE18 NAT/PT/000927). 1,681,939 €. PI: Joana Andrade (Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves -SPEA)
Principal Investigator: Exploring New approaches to simuLAte long-term Coastal Evolution – ENLACE (Ref. 28949 FEDER). 230 877.12€. PI: Susana Costas (CIMA/University of Algarve).
Principal Investigator: AVALIAÇÃO DA ESTABILIDADE SEDIMENTAR DA PRAIA DE FARO. Funding agency: Camara Municipal Faro. 8610€. PI: Susana Costas (CIMA/University of Algarve).
Member of the team: Coupling onshore and offshore tsunami record: complementary tools for a broader perspective on tsunami events-OnOff (Ref. 28941). 232 769.56€. PI: Pedro Costa (IDL-University of Lisbon)
Member of the team: 2021Quaternary environmental changes in Inhambane,Southeastern Mozambique, and their role in humanevolution (InMoz) (Ref. PTDC/HAR-ARQ/28148/2017). PI: Ana Gomes (ICArEHB/University of Alagarve)
Member of the team: EW-COAST - Early warning system for coastal risks induced by storms (Ref. 28657). 240.958,40€. PI: Oscar Ferreira (FCT-CIMA/University of Algarve)
Member of the team: Proposta técnica em resposta ao concurso público internacional para a elaboração do plano intermunicipal de: Adaptação ás alteraçoes climáticas da AMAL. 343000€. PI: Luis Dias (University of Lisbon).
Principal Investigator: Multi-scale approach of long-term coastal adaptation to climate variability (IF/01047/2014). 50 000€. PI: Susana Costas (CIMA/UAlg, Portugal).
Member of the team: EVREST – Evolution and resilience of barrier island systems (PTDC/MAREST/1031/2014). 157 188€, PI: Ana Matias (CIMA/UAlg, Portugal).
Participation: Project RISC-KIT-GA-2013-603458 - Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT, 2013-2017, Ap van Dongeren (Deltares, Netherlands).
Principal Investigator: Reconstruction of the shoreline position along the Portuguese coast over the last 6000 years - Analysis of the architecture and stratigraphy of sand barriers (SCARPS), UGM-LNEG. 195,000 € February 2010- July 2013.
Participation: Evolução da Península de Tróia: Morfodinâmica dos Sistemas Dunares e da Linha de Costa durante o final do Quaternário (EVOTROIA), 2005-2009, Luís Rebêlo (LNEG).
Participation: High-resolution geologic mapping offshore of Massachusetts. Boston University, June 2008 to September 2008, Bradford Butman (USGS)/ Duncan FitzGerald (BU).
Member of the team: Storm and Tides project. Florida International University, July 2007 to December 2007, Stephen Leatherman (FIU)
Member of the team: Efectos de los cambios climáticos naturales en los complejos sedimentarios del Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia, diagnóstico de la situación actual y previsiones futuras. University of Vigo, 2007-2010, Irene Alejo (UVigo).
Member of the team: Cuantificación e integración espacio-temporal de los factores que controlan el balance sedimentario de la costa Atlántica de Galicia: aportes, eustatismo, tectónica y clima durante el Cuaternario. Universidad de Vigo, 2005-2008, Marta Pérez Arlucea (UVigo).
Member of team: Cuantificación e integración espacio-temporal de los factores que controlan el balance sedimentario de la costa Atlántica de Galicia: aportes, eustatismo, tectónica y clima durante el Cuaternario. Universidad de Vigo, 2003-2004, Marta Pérez Arlucea (UVigo).
Participation: Late Holocene Shallow Marine Environments of Europe (HOLSMEER). Universidad de Vigo 2000-2003, James Scourse, Guillermo Francés (UVigo).
Participation: Análisis comparado de la evolución y situación ambiental de los principales sistemas dunares de Canarias. Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2003-2005, Ignacio Alonso Bilbao (UPalmas Gran Canaria).
Centro de Inv. Marinha e Ambiental - CIMA
Universidade do Algarve
Campus de Gambelas, Edifício 7
8005-139 Faro PORTUGAL
+351 289 800900 (ext. 7898)